Fermented Landscapes Lab

I work with students at the PhD (in Geography), Masters (Masters of Applied Geography, Master of Science in Geography, and Masters in Sustainability Studies), and the Undergraduate (Honors Thesis or Directed Research) levels on empirical research projects.

These students, past and present, include:

~~ in progress~~


N/A [yes, I am recruiting!]


Molly Allred (MAG; expected May 2024)

Claryce Bosson (MAG; expected May 2024)

Matt Roberts (MSS; expected Aug 2024)

Undergraduate Research 

Nicole Roman Anguiano (Directed Research; BS; expected May 2024)

Mik Lopez (Directed Research; BS; expected Dec 2024)

~~ completed~~ 


Dr. Chantal Gailloux (Sept 2020 through Dec 2021)


Delorean Wiley (PhD; Dec 2023)

Walter Furness (PhD; May 2023)

Rain Nox (PhD; Aug 2015)


Miguel Barajas (MSS; expected Dec 2023)

Kourtney Collins (MSS; Dec 2020)

Colin Copler (MS; May 2020)

David (Daffy) Gimnich (MAG; Dec 2016)

Colin Iliff (MAG; May 2020)

Ashley Jenkins (MS; Dec 2016)

Christina Lopez (MS; Dec 2016)

Gregory Lujano (MAG; May 2022)

Amanda Martinez (MSS; Dec 2023)

Aspen Navarro (MSS; May 2020)

Charles (Matt) Rogers (MAG; Dec 2015)

Gabrielle Rosa (MAG; Dec 2015)

Chris Sheffield (MAG; Dec 2016)

Katherine Sturdivant (MS; Dec 2022)

Delorean Wiley (MSS; Aug 2019)

Elizabeth Yarborough (MAG; May 2017)

Undergraduate Research 

Emily Baca (Honors Thesis; BS; Dec 2015)

Austin Crane (Honors Thesis; BS; Dec 2019)